Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Amanda!

On Friday I got the priviliage of celebrating Amanda's birthday with her and her family. We had an "I Love Lucy" theme birthday party for her because she really does love Lucy. :) It was a great time, however I am sure she would like to share it on her blog, so I will let her. :) Friday, however was not her actual birthday. Today is. She is the reason I am writing my blog today. It is dedicated to her.

If you do not know Amanda, she is an amazing woman after God's own heart. She has been a great friend over the last 5 years and I am very thankful for her.

When I first met Amanda I was 12 years old and visting Glad Tidings Church, now called Good News. She was very nice to me, and I remember getting her email and IM address so that we could talk. She even took me out for ice cream one night after church where her boyfriend, who is now her husband, worked. That is the most memorable memory I have of that time in our friendship. I would go to church with my brother and after some time I stopped going. However, I never forgot her. She may not know this, but I would think of her off and on throughout the years. She gave me one of her senior pictures and I would look at it from time to time.

I started going back to Good News when I was 19 and Amanda was still there. I remember being excited and wanting to say hi to her and ask her if she remembered me, but I didn't. Mostly I would stand in the distance after church and wonder when I would have the courage to say hi to her again. After some time, I met one of Amanda's friends, Jaime. Later I would find out that Jaime would tell Amanda to come meet and talk to me because she knew we would get along. I also know Amanda was a little hesitant and guarded, but I understand why. She is a great sister ;)

The moral of this story is, one day I did finally get to talk with Amanda again, and the rest is history. If you ask us, we can not tell you how we met, or how we started talking again. And you know what? It doesn't matter. I believe that when I was 12, I was meant to meet and know Amanda because later God would bring our friendship back. It was a seed that was planted, and 7 years later it bloomed.

Amanda~ We have been through a lot together. You have grown so much in five years and I am so proud of you. I am glad to be a part of your life! I have so many memories of hanging out with your family, summer activities, movie nights, KC adventures, scavenger hunts, and more. I am also thankful for the times we have talked for hours on end. I know I would always make your neck hurt, and phone battery get hot. :) But you didn't complain. You are always there when I need you. I look to you for accountability, advice, and your input. I also thank you for opening up to me. I am glad that I have been there for you and been able to help you as well. I love you so much and I am thankful to God for you. I don't know if I can say how much you mean to me, but I hope you know. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us for the future. I am always here for you. Happy Birthday dear friend! I Love You!