Thursday, February 21, 2013

Job 37:6

He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.' So that everyone He has made may know His work , He stops all people from their labor. ~ Job 37:6
If you know me, even just a little bit, you know that I LOVE SNOW! I always have. That is probably because when I was little my mom would take me outside and play in the snow with me. We would make snowmen, have snowball fights, and she would pull me around the yard in a sled. After that we would go inside, warm up and have hot chocolate. I loved snow days. Those are some of my most cherished memories.
Now as an adult, I still love snow days. One day a couple years back I was shoveling snow off the driveway. I had been going through a rough time in my life and just used that time to speak to God and allow Him to speak back to me. He gave me a vision. He told me to look all around me and look where the snow was. It was everywhere. Every crack, crevice, nothing could hide from it. He told me that that was how he was. He wanted  to come into my life and be a light in every crack, crevice, and place that I was hiding from Him. That he could heal me and make me new so that I wouldn't have to be scared anymore.
Another thing He showed me was that no matter how busy we were, He could stop the world from all their busyness to come back to focus on Him. If you allow Him. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in life and our busy schedules that we only leave a minute for Him here or there. Or even too busy that the time spent with our families is very structured and few or far in between. He can stop the busy world, cancel all your plans, including school and work, to remind you who made you! God gives us a forced break. One that we may not have taken had He not intervened. And you know what? It is just what we need. Quality time with family, Him and our loved ones.
I know there may not be many people like me out there who love the snow. And you know what? Thats ok. I know that God gave me this special vision and that it is a part of Him in me. I just wanted to share it with you in hopes that maybe it would give you a different perspective. Before you get mad about all the things you don't get to do, or the money you won't get from going to work, or anything else, maybe you need to think of it as God's love extending to you. Giving you something you didn't even know you needed. Rest. Time with family. Refocus. Him.
Happy snow day! :)