Sunday, December 2, 2012

Feed OKC

This Thanksgiving I was able to spend in Oklahoma with my brother, Ray. Every year on Thanksgiving he and his girlfriend volunteer at the rescure mission. I was glad to be able to join them this time! My mom, brothers, nieces and I were informed that each year there are homeless people, people who are low on income, or even people who have no family and no where to go who come and eat at the rescue mission on Thanksgiving. While I knew that those were the kinds of people who went to rescue missions, it was a real eye opener to actually see those people and be involved. I mean there are things we hear about even today that saddens our hearts, but we just hear about it. It can be more impactful when we actually SEE it.

All of the families who came to volunteer were told that we would get one person at a time at our table. We were to get them a drink, plate of food, dessert, and interact with them. Basically just be the family, and love that they may not receive this year otherwise. Even as the first few people walked in the door, I was having second thoughts. I did not think I was going to be able to do this. There were tears brimming my eyes each time I seen someone walk through that door all alone. Where was their family? If they had one, why would they leave them to eat Thanksgiving dinner all alone at a rescue mission? What had life dealt them that they felted unloved, unvalued, and unwanted? Did they know God? That He loved them?! Do they have a time in their life when Thanksgiving wasn't like this, and did they have fond memories of the good Thanksgiving from their past? I couldn't let myself dwell on these questionss for long or I certainly would have started to cry. There was a man there who touched my heart. He was not at my table, but I watched him at another table. There was something different about him. He didn't seem to have full cognative ability, and I just imagined that if he walked down the street alone people may pick on him.  All I wanted and prayed was that God find him a home and that he was ok even though he was alone. To me he did not look able to care much for himself, so I prayed for God's protection over him. I knew He had a special place in God's heart. I was fortunate to talk with two people who came through my table. But do you know how hard it is to try to make converasation with someone who may not have a family, place to live, or job? I did not want to ask the wrong questions. With God's help I was able to make conversation with the two people and it was truly a blessing. The man I talked with was a war veteran and he lost his family to anger and drinking. He was trying to get his life back on track and fight for his marriage.

It was amazing how much I was able to talk about God at this dinner. I could just feel His presence and I know that I was blessed more than I was a blessing to others. I am glad that God allowed me the opporunity to be His hands and feet to these people. One man who tried to come to our table did not make it. My nieces said that when they first went to get him he said he did not want to come afterall. When they reassured him it was ok he started to follow them to our table. However he took one look and just turned and walked away. He couldn't do it. I tried to followed him with the food because I still wanted him to have it even if he wouldn't sit with us, but when I made it outside I couldn't find him. I was sad that he felt he was undeserving of the Thanksgiving dinner and that he had been through so much he couldn't sit down. It just makes me wonder what triggered him. Maybe it was the fact that we were a family and he didn't have one. Or he has a family he couldn't provide for. Or he may have kids the same age as my nieces and it pained him to see them. I don't know for sure, but there are people like that not just in Oklahoma, but all over the world. How many times do you see people and wonder what their life is like? What are the going through? You notice them and you just sense that something is drawing your concern for them. God calls us to be His hands and feet. But yet we still notice that hurting person and move on. Too afraid to say anything. But I am like that too. I see people I want to help, or seeing them tugs on my heart, but I am not sure of the step to take. I have decided during those times I will just pray about it. I will bring it to God, let Him know I am willing to do what he asks, and pray for His guidance. I am sure at times He may tell me I am not able to help that person, but praying for them is just as helpful.

The opporunity I had in Oklahoma was an eye opener and made me thankful for my family during this season. I pray that God uses it to mold me into the person He wants me to be. I never want to forget my experience of serving the less fortunate on Thanksgiving because it reminds me of the value everyone has to God. I pray that you are able to help people you see in need when God asks you to as well. It is hard, but think of how they feel. Alone. Worthless. Unloved. No one should feel that way, but mor importantly no one should have that actually be true of their life. You never know, your friendly gesture could be just what they need.

A Christmas tradition

For as long as I can remember, every year around Christmas my mom gives me a new ornament for our Christmas tree. This has become one of my favorite Christmas memories and traditions that I will hold on to forever and still look forward to. It is something special that my mom has started for me and I am so glad that she did. I will not picture every ornament she has given me because that would be a lot of pictures! However here are a few.:) She has given then to me pretty much my whole life so I can decorate a whole Christmas tree with just my decorations! I was not even able to put them all on the tree this year!



The candy cane and ginger bread man were a couple of my very first ornaments. My dad spent a lot of time in his workshop and my mom asked him to make me some wooden ornaments while she painted them. These are special to me since they made them together. 
I was just taking time putting on the decorations today and thinking about how much they mean to me. I wanted to share something special that goes on in my life this Christmas season. What goes on in your family that warms your heart this time of year? If you can't think of anything then I pray that God opens your eyes to something you have maybe taken for granted throughout the years. Or because it is a yearly tradition it has lost its meaning. I challenge you to find it, and meditate on the warmth that this season brings. The love of family, friends, and of course the love that God showed us through His son, Jesus!