Saturday, January 12, 2013

What's your Ellsworth?

Ellsworth by Rascal Flatts
Grandma burned the biscuits,
 nearly took the house down with it.
Now she's in assisted livin',
we all knew that day would come.
We knew she was too gone to drive,
the day she parked on I-65.
Found her on the sholder cryin',
she didn't know where she was.
It's like her mind just quit,
oh but bring up grandpa its like someone flipped a switch...
A front porch light in a blue Desota,
couple straws in a coca-cola,
you can see it all goin' down.
A handsome boy in army greeen, a tear on his face,
down on a knee, shaky voice, a diamond ring,
she'll put you in that town.
Tomorrow she won't remember what she did today,
but just ask her about Ellsworth, Kansas, 1948.
She takes out his medals.
A cigar box of letters.
Sits and scatters pictures,
black and whites of days gone by.
We started losing her when she lost him.
But to hear her carry on,
you'd swear she's 17 again.
Football games the leaves a cracklin',
walkin' her home in his letter jacket,
you can see it all goin down.
A perfect on a front porch glider,
saying goodnight for the next three hours.
Her tired eyes glow wild and bright,
when she talks about that town.
Tomorrow she won't remember what she did today,
but just ask her about Ellsworth, Kansas, 1948.
While the world is fading all around her,
sharin' a sundae at the counter,
he's goin on an on about her,
but she's right there right now.
Tomorrow she won't remember what she did today,
but just ask her about Ellsworth, Kansas, 1948.
     This is another song that I have loved ever since I heard it a couple of years ago. Everytime I hear it I am just moved about what it shows me. Just picture an older lady being lost in this world because her mind is starting to escape her. She is losing her memory, and is not able to do the things she used to do. She is frustrated, upset, and feels like a burden. But once you mention the love of her life, she is right back in those memories and she can tell you stories of their lives together for hours. She is happy and back to what she knows. That is just beautiful to me.
     Sometimes it just reminds me of the times I used to ask my aunt to tell me stories of what life was like for her and my mom when they were growing up. I have always been one to ask a lot of questions about the past, and the "old times". She would usually laugh at me and just say, ''oh mija, I will sit down with you someday and tell you everything''. However, she did not get the chance. She passed away a year ago. I know that if my grandma was still around I would have asked her a lot of these questions too. But she was taken to be with God when I was 10. I have just always loved old stories like this song mentions.
     Another way this song makes me think is "What's my Ellsworth?". When I feel lost in life, like I am failing, not doing things right, trying so hard, frustrating my self or others around me, where do I go? A place, frame of mind, or memory where things were better, happier, and where I can get encouragement. Just something to focus on for a while so I can gather my thoughts. To bring me back up again and show me that things won't stay bad forever. Just a mood changer so that when I get back to reality, I am energized and ready to push through the hard times.
     I know that I have a lot of good things in my life that I can focus on when I feel I am struggling and getting lost. Jesus is a big one. I know that I can think back about all the things he has shown me, brought me through, and told me over the past years. When times get hard I need to focus on the good things for a while, get my mind right, and come back ready to tackle the storm put before me.
     I don't know if this song speaks to you in the same way it speaks to me. If it doesn't, that's ok. But I just want to ask you, what is your Ellsworth? What or where can you go to give you the strength and encouragment to tackle the storms in your life? I don't suggested you stay there forever, but I bet it would give you a good escape just so you can come back to run your race and finish strong.

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