Wednesday, March 14, 2012

God is in our desires

I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like my desires are not what God would really want me to do. I mean, is it just me wanting to do it no matter what? And, why would God really even lay that on my heart? I have been fighting with these questions in my head for a while.

For some reason, I am scared of what God's plan is for me. I have figured out that I am afraid that what I want is not what God wants for me. Where that is probably true in some areas, I take it to the extreme. I think that anytime I am doing something that is my desire, God wants me to give it up. That I am wrong, and doing His plan for my life means that I will have to lay down all my desires, and He will make me do something I don't even want to do.

I am not entirely sure why I think like this. My guess is that it is from my childhood and feeling like I couldn't be who I was. I changed to be what other people wanted and I think along the way I got stuck. I got stuck thinking that what I want, or who I was was wrong. I know that I projected that onto how God wants me to be too.

I was driving back to work today and I was listening KLove. The radio annouoncer was talking about how there is a KLove NASCAR and it is number 98. There is also another driver in NHRA that is driving another car. While I heard this, I just felt like God told me, "I gave them their desires. And they are glorifying Me in the process."

God told me that you don't have to be a missionary or pastor, to feel like you are doing His will for your life. You also don't have to put down your desires. God gave them to you. He is able to be in every aspect of the world. He is lifted up when Tim Tebow plays football, or when Jeremy Lin is playing basketball. Now He is even being lifted up in race car driving. He uses all things to reach His people. You don't have to spend 9 hours a day praying, or a week fasting. Those things are good, but He can be lifted up in our everyday lives as well. He sends us out into the world to be a light. To reach those who are lost, and to show them that in everything we do we can glorify Him.

I was just truly touched by this and wanted to share it. Don't give up your desires. God places them there for a reason. He can work ALL things out for our good.

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