Thursday, October 13, 2011


I know that I haven't written a blog post in a while and I feel like I am long overdue! Considering I dont have many followers yet I am pretty sure the people who will read this probably know what is going on in my life because they are my close friends! :) I hope to get more followers though so I know that I need to be writing blogs. I think what goes on in my head is that unless the blog is long, and about something important or something that really hit me hard I dont feel like I have anything good to write about. That sounds bad thought because God has blessed me soooo much since my last blog, so it is not that I have nothing great to write about, I have plenty! God is good! I used to write poems in jr high and high school. I feel that I am a good writer when I want to be and that it is a little bit of a calling I have. Sad thing is I haven't written in so long, not just blogs, that I am afriad I do not know how to do it anymore. Maybe I am not as good as I used to be. I used to be more open about my feelings many years ago. It was easy to put my feelings into poem form, or cry to a song that really touched me. However many events happend in my life to shut down my emotions and my mind. I know that it is only because of God in my life that I am where I am today. He has opened me up even better than I thought before. I am still learning to be myself and who I truly am, but it is a fun journey. I didnt think that this blog would end up where it is now but I guess I did have something to say. I am sorry that it is a bit scattered, and maybe doesn't make much sense but I just needed to write. I am going to try to write about once a week no matter what. Some days I may have something great, other days may just be fun or funny. However I am inviting you into my life and mind because I know this will be really good for me. I look forward to really starting my blog and getting back to being a writer. I am sure I will get better with time, so don't look for too much too soon from me. Thanks for reading!~

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