Sunday, October 30, 2011

Game Plan

This weekend my church, Good News, put on a production titled Game Plan. This is the second year that we have put it on, and I must say it was better than last year! It was still good last year, but many people will agree that this year was the best. It started on Saturday night with a tailgating party between friendship groups. Now I am not much for competition, but this year was really smooth and the overall atmosphere was great! Everyone had a good time mingling within groups, and playing some football with the kids. Now if you're wondering why we had a tailgating party, I will explain that in a bit. Sunday was the second day of the show and it went on during church. Some productions we have done two weekends, but this one is just the one weekend.
Game Plan stars a coach named Dave Ile, and his assistant coaches, Powers, and Pain. In case you didn't get it Dave Ile is, Devil. This production uses the football analogy to explain the Devil and his demons as a team against God and their strategic plans to lure God's people away from Him. During the play Coach Ile mentions that he and his team will not stop at anything to win their "game". They will win at all costs! It is very creepy! Coach Ile, Powers and Pain talk throughout the play about how they will use lust, insecurities, doubts, isolation, negativity,and positions of authority to corrupt people's minds and try to get them to fall away from God. In the end, Coach Ile gets his team ready for battle and they all storm off in rage. I wish you could have been there because it was a real eye opener!
I know that it was a great production, but it also makes you think. This is REAL! Yes, maybe the devil doesn't use football analogies, but I know that he has his pack of demons that he sends out to watch and lure each and every one of us in any little way, away from God. How scary is that! I mean he never rests.
1 Peter 5:8 says "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." The devil doesn't need to use new tricks, many times we fall from the same things over and over. He also doesn't make it known that it is him who is working. He is patient, and malicious, he believes that the best way to hell "is a soft slope, easy on the feet".
So who knows your weaknesses even better than you? Your enemy! But who can help you overcome him? GOD! 1 John 4:4 "My dear children, you come from God and belong to God. You have already won a big victory over those false teachers, for the Spirit in you is far stronger than anything in the world." Now I don't know about you but I find that very encouraging!! It is so good to know that God is on my side! Even with my weaknesses, He will pick me back up, dust me off, and make me stronger.
This production was great and I am glad that God is out there fighting for me when I can't fight for myself. Do not fear, for God is with you, but be aware that the enemy is out there. He is real.

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