Monday, February 13, 2012


I have mentioned before that I attend Good News Church and am a youth leader. Well our youth group is called Fusion, and within our youth we have smaller community groups that keep us even closer. The group I lead is called Broken and Redefined. I am so blessed to be apart of this group and be involved in my girls lives. It is just awesome to be a part of something that I have seen grow from the beginning. We were all able to come up with a name together, and our group motto. Broken and Redefined means that we have been torn down many times in our lives, but these moments have helped us grow stronger in God, redefining our lives. Our motto is " Break us open, make us new, redefine us to look like You." We want to be changed to be who God wants us to be from the inside out. We want to reflect Him in our lives.

Here is a picture of me and some of my girls at our bowling event

We have a youth event about every month. I really look forward to these. We have a New Year's Eve party, bowling event, spring retreat, Fusion live, Race at the lake, summer camp, jr high welcome event, back to school party, fall retreat, turkey bowl, and hayrack ride. Our most recent event was bowling. We had a competition between the community groups to see who could bowl the best average. My team did not win, but I had a ton of fun! Not to mention, I had the highest bowling score out of our whole youth group! Including the adults, two of them who had a hard time admitting it (Chris and Josh) but finally gave in.

I dont know if you can see this very well but I am on the top. I scored a 141!!

That may not be good for you, but it is AMAZING for me! I have never bowled that in my life and I am not sure if I ever will again! It was a great birthday present from God :)

We have fun at Fusion. We are always making memories and having a good time. I am sure I will be blogging about our next event...Spring Retreat. It is a favorite of many of us at Fusion.

Josh and Chris being goofy. Yes, the guy in green is our youth pastor!

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