Monday, November 7, 2011


I don't know who I am,
Who You created me to be,
But I know that it is stirring
deep inside of me.

What I really long for
I hope to find one day
and each I am night praying
"God please lead the way."

Show me the fire,
That you put inside my heart,
So I can do Your work,
and finally play my part.

I know I will get better,
On being the real me,
I know that I am healing,
One day I'll be free!

This is the first poem I have written in years! Sorry that it is not that great, but I hope to get better. I used to have verses come into my head all the time, but once I got emotionally traumatized it stopped. I have to say that I am so excited to have my mind back to doing this. I used to love writing poems. I know that God created me to be an emotional person and to feel deep, but I lost this for a long time. I really don't know everything about myself yet, but I hope the real me comes out little by little. I know that sounds weird but I have been searching for myself for a long time. I pray that this is another step that God has for me. I used to be a person who was carefree and went with the flow. More recently I am needing to be in control of everything. I know it has to do with a lot of things that were taken away from my life at once, and in order to stop that I numbed myself and took control. I need to give control back over to God and just be happy and live every day as it comes. Sorry if I am just rambling, but I just needed to think this out. I didn't know when the day would come that my emotions would be back in this way, but I am very happy. Thank you God, this is a great blessing to me. A very happy ending to a not so great day. But I know now that I can turn it around with God's help and love! :)

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