Wednesday, November 2, 2011

God's still providing

In case you haven't read my other blog posts on God providing what I need, you may want to go back and check those out. If not I can give you a little summary. I am a full time student, working part time, but yet God still gives me just the right amount of money to live. Many times I am still able to do fun things I want to do. God is amazing like that!

God provided again today. Back in the middle of July through the middle of August I worked for the substance abuse task force for the military. (I am in the Air National Guard). It was an assignment I was offered, and I was thankful for the opportunity. It allowed me to work full time for a month, and get a good amount of pay. I already had plans for the paychecks I would be getting. First I would save up for to pay for my schooling for this last semester (I am graduating in December), get ahead on my bills, and start saving so that once I started school I would not be living pay check to pay check. Since school takes most of my money I was glad to get that paid off first!

Since I am in the air guard I get money for school tuition, plus money monthly for expenses. For my tuition assistance I hand in a paper every semester that says I am still in the guard, and the school uses that paper to process with the military how much money I will get. This is the same for every person in my situation. The school talks with the military and the military sees how many people are getting the tuition assistance for that semester. In the end a certain percentage of everyone's schooling is paid for. Before I decided how much money to put in my school fund I thought about how much usually gets paid. I didn't want to have to worry about being short and then not having enough. In looking back I figured out that the military has never really paid less than 85% of their student's tuition, but to be safe I went with 80%. So I went to calculating. I seen how much my tuition for this semester was and figured what part the military was paying if they paid 80%, and I would put the rest in my school fund. That figure came to be $500, and that is if they just paid 80% but they normally pay more, so I was safe. This process takes well into the semester so that is also why I like to save up early. In the past when I have needed to enroll for the next semester the military gives us our money a couple of days before we can enroll, and then the school gives us our balance. If you don't pay that by enrollment time, you can't enroll. That has stunk before because I have needed certain classes, and you can only enroll on certain days for a week so it was important to me to save my money so that once the military paid their share, I could go right in and pay mine too. This isn't the case since I do not need to enroll next semester, but I was just wanting to get my last semester paid for on time and be done! :)

Well I got my $500 dollars set aside by the beginning of August and I was so pleased with myself. I was also so thankful that God gave me the job opportunity, and that I used the money wisely. A couple of weeks ago I got an email from the school saying that they were estimating that the military was only going to pay 73% this semester. I was bummed! I was thinking "oh no, now I need to be putting a little more money into my fund because $500 wasn't going to be enough!" I ended up putting a little more in but then haven't gotten a chance since, just with other bills and stuff. For some reason I wasn't really worried about it, and now I know why. It was God's peace. As I left a friends house today I checked my email. I had a message from my school saying that the military money was going to hit our accounts today so check around 5:00 p.m. to see your new balance. And the best part.... the military is paying 93.75% of my tuition! Praise GOD! I was so excited to read this!

I was preparing for 73%, hoping for more, but God gave above and beyond what I was even thinking! I was giving myself a good cushion with 80% in August, and so proub of myself that I was getting the most out of my job opportunity and saving money, and it seems like now God was pleased too. He even blessed me!

I pray now that I am able to put the extra money I have where God wants me to put it. He is a great provider!

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