Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Im Possible

I was at a store in the mall today and they had a lot of Audrey Hepburn stuff. My brother likes her and so I tend to look at the things with her picture on them just to tell him about them later. It seems like lately there are many items with her picture on them. Anyways I seen one today that just really made me think. There was a picture of her and next to it, it said "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says im possible" Now I know that it was just an Audrey Hepburn picture, and no where in there was a biblical meaning on purpose, but don't we all sometimes get something from God in the weirdest, unexpected ways? I just read that and thought " I have never looked at that word like that before!" It just puts a whole new perspective on things. For me I also wasn't focused on things being possible just because of me. I looked at it like "Yes, I am possible with God. I am capable to do things through His power!" The bible says that Nothing is impossible with God. This perspective just made me realize it even more. I feel I will not look at that word the same anymore. It will not bring me down and make me think something is unreachable. I can look at my obstacles and hear them calling out "im possible, you can overcome me!"

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