Saturday, January 7, 2012

When one door closes.....another opens

I have been exited for 2012 for a while now. Many people know that my favorite number is 12. Even more that my birthday is 2/ therefore I am excited for 2012 if you catch my drift. Even with that though I know that my real blessings come from God. He has provided for me over and over again. Sometimes I don't feel like I deserve all the things He has done in my life....He SAVED me....literally!

Many of my blog posts last year were about the different ways that God has provided for me. I am extremely thankful. Towards the end of 2011 I was ending another chapter in my life when I received my bachelors degree. Although it was amazing to be done with school for a while, I was also nervous about the next step in my life. I started to pray during the beginning of the semester "Please God, show me what I am supposed to do next. I want to do your will. Please lead me in the direction You want me to go." I do want to achieve a masters degreee someday, but I wasn't sure if God wanted me to jump into that after finishing my bachelors or get into the workforce for a while. I kept on praying that prayer all throughout my last semester at school. Don't get me wrong, I had still been looking at colleges and other jobs about a year ago, but couldn't make any major decisions until my graduation time came closer. Again this semester I started looking at colleges and gathering information. I also looked at places that would allow me to use my degree and if there were any job opportunities there. I even considered moving closer to a school I wanted to attend and find a job around there. I knew God would show me what to do, but I still needed to do the work and start exploring my options.

Well wouldn't you know it, God came through, like He ALWAYS does. Exactly two nights after I graduated I was spending the night at the hospital with my mom. I decided to bring my computer to look for job opportunities. I found a couple I was interested in, but for one of them I needed a printer in order to fill out the applicaiton. I ended up filling out one application that night and actually submitted it at about 1:00 a.m. At the time I thought I would go home the next day and print the other application and fill it out as well. Interestingly enough that didn't happen. God moved in that one application. I went in for an interview 2 weeks later, and got a call a week and a half after that that said I was being offered the job. WOW GOD! I know that it was Him that lead me to fill out applications that night. I know it was Him answering my prayers in showing me what He wanted me to do next. In a funny way I feel like the problems I have had with my car, and computer were a sign. A sign that was telling me that right now I need to have a job so I can get some things I have not been able to afford while being a student. I know that God provides, but you still need to be willing to put forth the effort. It has been a blessing for God to stretch my money over these last 6 years while getting my degree, but now it's time to take another step. Another cool piece to this is that the night before I found out I got my new job I was at church and I felt God tell me I could tithe a little bit more this year. I was actually joyful like "sure God I would love to do that".Not once did it really cross my mind where that would come from. God knew.

It is a blessing that God started 2012 off with a big step. I have been praying that this year would be a year of growth, healing, and the development of a deeper relationship with Him. I am excited to see what this year is going to bring. I love You Lord!

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