Monday, January 2, 2012

Burnett's Mound

There are many times that I stuggle with finding fun and interesting places in Topeka, Kansas. Many different times throughout the year there are a lack of things to do for cheap or even free. The summer time is hot and it is sometimes hard to find nice cool places to be. Then in the winter it is cold and snowy and many people want to stay inside. (I however love the snow and enjoy playing in it and sledding, but I do see many other's points). In the end, no matter how much I complain, I know Topeka is my home. It is not about the things to do or lack there of, but the family and friends that I have here. I have a very good friend who would disagree with the lack of things to do. She is very creative and can continuously come up with things to do and for that I am thankful! I say all of this to introduce one of my favorite places to go in Topeka. Burnett's Mound.

I didn't get to take a picture of the actual hill this time. Usually I am just so excited to get to the view at the top. It is beautiful! Burnett's Mound, is located on the south edge of Topeka, and is said to be named after Indian Chief Abram Burnett. It is one of the highest points in the city. Here is a link for additional information if you would like to read about it . . This Wikipedia link is about the F5 tornado that ripped through Topeka in 1966. Legend says that Burnett's Mound was supposed to protect the city. Just a bit of fun information if you would like to read about it

 I really enjoy the different effects my camera can do!

I enjoy Burnett's mound because you get a panoramic view of Topeka. On a clear day you can see I would day about 10 miles out. It is amazing! Me and some friends went up to Burnetts Mound on New Year's Eve. I think it was a great way to end the year. I got some neat pictures and enjoyed some reflaction time. I hope to go up there more throughout the year. It is a nice walk up and a great place to talk, reflect, think, take picutres, even have a picnic!

Some of my friends on an old tree trunk

Again I was just trying to take some cool pictures. I am better with landscapes rather than people. But I am trying!

This picture looked pretty cool. I think Janae is very photogenic! (I am kind of jealous.)


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