Saturday, January 21, 2012

I'm A Witness

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

As I have mentioned before, I am a youth leader at my church. Every summer we go to camp in the Northern Missouri (NOMO) district in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Each year the leaders and youth get a rubber wristband to keep track of who they are with and also as a memoir. Usually now the wristbands say, but a couple of years ago was when we received a wristband that really made an impact on me.

The wristband was white, and in black letters are the words "I'm A Witness" next to that is "Acts 1:8". I have held onto that wristband for about three or four years now. I wore it so that I could remind myself that I have a story of my life to tell other people. A story that God wrote, and that I am excited to tell. I am a witness for Him in so many ways! A couple people have asked me what it meant and I was glad to tell them. I wish I ccould say that I had people coming up to me all the time but I can't. However I am thankful for the opportunities I did have. Plus I know there are others ways I can tell people about the amazing things God has done in my life.

This past summer while I was in Mexico on our youth mission trip I heard God telling me that it was time for me to pass on my bracelet to someone else. That it was their time to express that they were witnesses too. (You see these bracelets were specifically made for our camp. They are not sold anywhere else just like that.) I was really excited and figured that meant I should give it to someone in Mexico. I mean how cool would that have been? To give my bracelet to a brother or sister in Christ in another country? Even though I did find someone to give it too, I wasn't sure that that was who God wanted me to give it to. In really wanting to give it to the person God intended, I came back to the states with my bracelet. I was hoping I did the right thing. I would have given it away, but something didn't feel right. I was hoping it wasn't just me because I really did love the bracelet. I prayed that God would continue to show me who needed this bracelet next.

One day in December, my answey came! My mom had been diagnosed with kidney cancer in November. Thankfully the surgery was going to be in December and everything would be taken care of. Praise God!! A couple of weeks before my mom's surgery I felt God was leading me to give the bracelet to her. It just hit me like I knew it was for her. About a day before my mom's surgery I showed her my bracelet, read the verse, and explained what the bracelet meant to me. I also told her about how God had shown me that I needed to pass it to someone else. Then I proceeded to tell her that the person God told me to give it to was her. I told her that now she has an amazing story to tell of how God saved her life. I know that she also has many times she will tell you about how God has been there for her and her family, but this is a miracle too. She now wears it proudly and loves that I gave it to her. She is fearlessly sharing what God has done for her.

It was awesome to see her share her story today! We were at a furniture store and the lady helping us noticed my mom's bracelet. She asked her what it said and meant. My mom responded with "My daughter gave it to me. It was hers and now I wear it to show people what God has done in my life." She proceeded to tell the women about the diagnosis, her surgery, and how God played a major role in it all. It was just awesome for me to be there when my mom shared. I love her so much. I am glad that God lead me to give it to her. I know that is who He intended it for. I have felt at complete peace knowing it was for her, but it was like God just gave me a little extra cherry on top!:)

We are all called to be witnesses. And bracelet or not, I know you have stories of times God has helped you. Don't hold them in. Share them. They might just be what someone needs to hear. When ever someoneaccepts Jesus into their heart all of Heaven rejoices!!

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